August 25, 2009

Another good day...preparing for surgery again....

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to drop a quick note on Jenna. She had another good night last night, no major changes. Her blood level went down a little, so the doctors decided to give her some blood "to boost her up" before surgery soon. Also, they started her back on the bowel regimen so that she would become consistent. This did not take very long, haha. They changed one of her drips Ativan to Versed because there is an additive in the Ativan that if the medicine is given in this form over a long period at this dose, it would cause her blood to possibly become toxic. So they did not want to take that chance, so they stopped to see if Jenna would tolerate the change. The afternoon she was a bit jumpy, which I was not sure if she would tolerate the change. But this evening she has done better and has been resting. I brought up how she had been this afternoon in rounds (being more awake, she attempted to pull her lines and ventilator tube because she was pretty irritated they were there), so they said that if she gets worse, just switch her back to the other, since she was in her "happy place" on it and they want her to rest for surgery. I may have seemed a little pushy, but that is the mommy in me, taking care of my girl. Today they went back and forth all day on when surgery was going to be, which doctor was doing it, and which one would be done. So, finally, after Dr. E. decided to call Dr. Inge and say if he was not going to do it (inge) then he (Dr. E.) was putting her on the schedule for tomorrow, because he did not want to postpone it any longer, it needs to be done. So, by this afternoon the surgery fellows had stopped by, letting us know that the surgery was going to be tomorrow afternoon, but no time was set. Dr. Inge was going to work her in his schedule. So, good now it is going to be done. Dr. Inge had stopped by this am to let us know that he would be doing the surgery if his schedule will allow, and I guess since Dr. E. gets what he wants, the surgery for sure will be done by him, tomorrow. So, now we are just trying to let babygirl rest. She needs it to prepare for surgery. So, for those who do not know, she is having diaphragm plication-thoroscopic style (basically that her diaphragm is damaged and needs to stitched down to her chest wall by using small incisions and camara to guide him, so she does not have as much pain) so that she is able to breathe easier and get off of the breathing machines.

So, let us all cross our fingers that it will be a success and he is able to take care of it. Hopefully we are "rounding third and heading for home" in the eyes of her progress. Justin and I are praying that everything goes as planned-surgery, off the ventilator, drips, machines, onto stepdown and then home. :) Then she can be herself again-running, climbing, laughing, playing.
We are glad today was calm, keep praying for us-especially Jenna. Thanks to everyone for all the cards, donations, gifts, love, support, prayers. We could not ask for a better support system, it means so much to us, we cannot thank you enough. We will keep you posted on surgery tomorrow.

Love, Jenny, Justin, and Jenna


  1. YEAH for another quiet day! We will definitely keep little Jenna in our prayers tomorrow as she undergoes surgery and we will pray for the doctor performing the procedure. May God continue to keep the both of you strong and positive. Keep thinking happy thoughts!!!

    Your Friends,
    Lori, Justin, and Tristan

  2. dear jenna, my name is griffin and i am your neighbor in the cicu your mom and dad have become good friends with my mom and dad are they are all amazing parents and i pray for you everyday that u get better!!! u know that we are the trouble makers up here but thats ok because we keep everybody on their toes.. i wish u jenna and your parents the best!!!


  3. Praying for and thinking of you all day.
    Please keep us posted!
    Love and prayers - hugs too - to all of you.
    Joe, Tracy, and Michael (Amy and Isabella too)
