July 14, 2009

Lots of adjustments.....

Posted Jun 19, 2007 7:55pm

Hello everyone!
Sorry we have not been in touch since we arrived home. We are adjusting to the routines of parenthood! Haha. We recently went to the pediatrician (Dr. Dewese) for a visit, she is now 9 lbs. 3.5 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. We are so happy that she is gaining weight. They recently changed her to a new high calorie formula to help her gain weight. They are wanting to "bulk her up" before her surgery. At a recent visit, she had her first shots, which was an interesting experience. She did well considering she had three at once. We will be returning for a visit to the office for a 4month check in August. Her oxygen level at this visit was 86%, which is great. We are so pleased.
We will be going back to the cardiologist (Dr. Heydarian) on July 3 for a month check up. We have been to him a few times which have always been good visits. She routinely has her chest xrays at these appointments which turn out well. He said at her last visit that her heart blood flow sounds as well as it should at this time. He said that around 4-6 months we will be in contact with Cincinnati Children's to set up when she will have surgery. Most likely it will be late summer, early fall when we will be returning.
We spoke with Dr. Catherine Dent, her physician while we in CICU at the hospital, a few weeks ago. She said that Jenna sounds as if she is doing very well, and she feels that she will be around 5-6 months when she will be returning to see them. She said that Dr. Heydarian will be sending a portfolio of her status when he feels that she is ready to their facility. At that time, a medical conference will be held to discuss with the surgeons when she will be returning to have the surgery performed. Once decided, we will be contacted by the facility to come in and discuss the situation. So, we will be in contact with everyone at that time.
Justin and I would like to personally thank everyone who kept our family in their thoughts and prayers during this time of need. We will need everyone to continue to think about Jenna during the next few months, as we approach her next milestone. Thank you again so much.
A link is being emailed to everyone who has visited this webpage, so everyone may view pictures of her from birth to present.

Jenny Justin and Jenna

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