It's me Jenna. Hope everyone has had a good past few days. I have not really had any major changes happen. The doctors decided to lower my Ativan medicine again, Methadone should be lowered tomorrow. They are saying that my bronchoscopy to check out my throat (since I had some breakdown from the ventilator tube before) is going to be Wednesday, the 23rd. They said that right now the plan is to not do a scope on my belly, but this is still being confirmed and mommy and daddy want to speak with Dr. Putnam before they put food in my belly. They are a little nervous about me bleeding again. The doctors her on the unit said that they want me to stay here on the CICU until I am tolerating food in my belly, so that means I will be on this unit at least another three weeks. Oh well, I love everyone here anyway, because they treat me REALLY SPECIAL :))))
Yesterday was a really fun day! The doctors said that I could go out onto the playdeck here at the hospital, which means I got to go outside for the first time in almost two months!!!!!! It was great. They had lots of fun things to do, like a slide, a bicycle merry go round, blocks to play with. So, at first I was having to stay in my wagon, but haha this did not last tooo long. I eventually got upset, started throwing the pillows holding me up out of the wagon and tried swinging my leg out so I could get out! I tried doing it by myself, but unfortunately my legs and arms are not quite strong enough to things on my own yet. But, that is ok, because the nurse and RT thought it would be ok to get out, as long as daddy or mommy held me and placed me on the toys. So, I got to play on the bicycle merry go round, and go down the slide! It was great. I got a little "junky" since I was outside in fresh air, so my mommy had to suction me. I felt much better after that. It was so nice being outside in the sun, I can't wait to do it again. While I was out there, I got to see family. My Nonny, Aunt Missy and Aunt Stacey were there first and got to see me! I was sooo excited. Right before we left to go back inside, my Meme and Pawpaw made it in time to see me too! I loved seeing everyone! Everyone was taking pictures like they were the paparazzi and I was famous. :) Yesterday (saturday) was last day I got to see everyone until I come home. The hospital has a rule in the cold/flu season that no one but parents can come on the unit during this time, all the way until April when it is over. They usually do not enforce the policy until close to December, but because of this nasty Swine Flu and sick visitors just coming to the hospital, they decided to start it early. But at least I got to see them before it started, I was happy. I only made it about 30 minutes before I started to get sleepy, a lot of moving around for me since I have been in bed soo loong. So, we went back inside after about 45 minutes. It was fun while it lasted!!! When we got back inside, I was so wired I did not want to sleep (you know me, no rest, all play!!!). So, they had to do my vest therapy, then I got sleepy. They put me back on my cpap early since I worked so hard outside, so I could get some rest. So, mommy and daddy left with family to go eat and Aunt Missy and Aunt Stacey went home :( While mommy and daddy were gone, I had the nurses up to their elbows in poop. Haha. But they got me clean before mommy and daddy came back.
Today started pretty quiet. Again, mommy and daddy missed rounds. They try soooo hard to make it, but always manage to miss it by minutes. But, I was awake and ready to see them. I was sooo happy. I had my favorite dayshift nurse today, Chrissy. Yay!! She clued mommy and daddy in on what they missed in rounds. Nothing too major, just the change of my medicine to help me go to the bathroom, it is every twelve hours now, but I do not go by late today, they will give me an extra dose. She told mommy and daddy about me staying here a while and when my scope of my throat will be. And that is about it. Mommy and Daddy did my trach care, Daddy has moved up to holding my trach now while mommy cleans around it. Go daddy! He even suctioned more today and he is able to get all of the supplies ready for mommy too for my care. Making strides daddy!!!! I fell asleep after this, and mommy and daddy stepped out to go have breakfast with Nonny, Meme and Pawpaw. They were gone a little while visiting with them before they went home. While they were gone, I kept dropping my oxygen levels, so they decided to put me back on the cpap machine most of the day, because they figured that I was just tired from yesterday's trip. They came back in the afternoon to see me and have been here ever since :))) We have mostly watched Spongebob today, daddy has tried to squeeze in football on the tv some, but I say, No No NO NO NO. Of course, I always get my way with daddy :)))) Late this afternoon, I fell asleep and so did mommy in the chair, while daddy read a book. All of the sudden though, I woke up frantic looking for someone because I was up to my armpits in poop again!!!! I had moved myself sideways in bed and then made a mess and mommy and daddy did not see me. Mommy felt really bad because I was laying there in it and she was asleep, and the nurse found me because she came in to do my assessment. That is ok, mommy needs rest and she did not know what was happening and daddy was in the corner reading a book and did not see me. I am quick like that. So, they scrambled around with the nurse looking for towels to clean me up. They gave me a bath and washed my hair, awwww now I smell all clean. Then they decided daddy was going to hold me while they cleaned my bed up. So, to be cautious (since I messed on daddy the other night), daddy geared up in a gown and chux in his lap, just in case I pooped again. I did not care though, because I was so happy once I was in his lap I snuggled close to him. :) Once everything was clean, they went ahead and did my trach care again and cleaned me up, daddy helped again! He is getting to be so much better at this! Now though, after suctioning me lots because I am just full of mucous, I fell asleep. They put me on my trach collar (mist humified oxygen) for a little while and will put me back on cpap for the night. Now, here in a little bit they are going to come in and do my vest therapy (my wiggles) and leave me alone for the night. But they are going to let me rest a little longer. So, hopefully tomorrow will be quiet again. They weighed me yesterday and I am 13 kg! Which means I am 28.62 pounds! I am such a chunky monkey now! My daddy asked the doctor how much of my weight gain is fluid and she said not very much. So, when my mommy and daddy bought me clothes to wear outside yesterday, they had to get 24 months size! I was in 12-18 when we came in. Talk about a growth spurt! I may lose a little once I become active again, but mommy figures not much. She is having a hard time with the gain, because I have always been her petite little thing, and now I am the size of an average toddler :) But that is ok, I have gained weight, which will help me heal better and I really do have a choice right now the amount going in, because it is going through a tube and I am not physically doing it on my own. So we will see once we get home. Anyway, so mommy will keep you posted on how well I am doing and how my scope goes on Wednesday. Keep praying for me and mommy and daddy cannot thank everyone enough for their support, prayers and genorosity. Thanks again and love you all. Buh Bye!!!
Love, Jenna
Wow, I know ya'll don't know me but I am fasinated by your strength and faith... My BFF knows a family member of yours and she told me about your story.... I am so glad Jenna got to go outside.... She looks so cute on the slide....
Way to go little girl, wait I mean big girl. 28 lbs wow. It looks like you were having fun yesterday outside. It's too bad that you are not able to have visitors now, I guess that I will have to wait till you come home. See you soon Jenna....Love, Uncle Stu
ReplyDeleteJenna, you just make our hearts fly!!! Prayers are being answered, you're getting better and Daddy better watch out, huh??? We are all so proud of you and your progress. And I'm not the only one impressed with how well you can type!!! I Love You, Fighter!!!
ReplyDeleteGrandpa Cliff
Princess Jenna, You look so pretty in your pictures. I'm so happy you got to go out side to play and I love your sunglasses. I'm so glad you are getting stronger everyday. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I'm still praying for you, and Mommy and Daddy. Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way.
jenny- i know it is hard to see her so different regarding her size! dad was shocked when i told him that it was her weight not edema! she will always be your baby in your heart :)
ReplyDeletelove, stacey
Hi Lil Miss Jenna. I can see a difference in you with each new set of pictures. You look so much like your dad. What a lucky family you have to have such a sweet lil girl for their daughter. Get well soon sweetie and love all the pictures. love and prayers Holly
ReplyDeletePS Lil Jenna, Your grandpa Cliff is going to have you in boxing gloves before you know it. You're his lil fighter....haha Holly
ReplyDeleteWow, it looked liked you had so much fun at the park and we are happy you got to go outside for some fresh air. We are so proud of you, your mommy, and your daddy. You have all been so strong during all of this. We will continue to send our prayers your way. Lots of hugs and kisses for you!!
Your Friends,
Lori, Justin, and Tristan
ReplyDeleteI love your new pictures!! You're doing so good! I miss you & love you so much!
Love, Sammi <3